Smash Your 2021 Revenue Goals with a Proven 5-Step Digital Framework for B2B

Develop, implement, and measure a B2B digital marketing strategy with this comprehensive 37-page guide.


The 5-Step Digital Framework for B2B

Regardless of whether your digital program is established or in its infancy, taking a structured, proactive approach to planning is critical. This 5-step framework covers the key elements of a solid B2B digital strategy.

Clarify Goals & Objectives


Develop ICP & Buyer Personas



Select Channels & Content


Assemble Content, Creative & Campaigns

Preview what you'll discover in each section of the guide.

The full guide contains comprehensive information regarding:

  • 5-step framework to nail B2B digital marketing
  • Importance of a digital strategy
  • Benefits digital marketing delivers
  • How to turn strategy into action
  • BONUS: Save time with pro tips and MarTech recommendations

Smashing Your Revenue Goals 
Is Just a Click Away



Launch, Optimize & Report

For this guide, we’re going to assume you have a decent website in place that speaks to your buyers’ interests and has the right content in the right places to drive lead gen—including:

  • Strategically-located gated assets
  • Multiple contact us CTAs
  • A meaty resource center
  • Exit-intent popups
  • Optimized forms

We could write a whole separate guide on best practices in web design and functionality. Instead, we’re going to focus on how you drive traffic to the site and the many channels you can leverage for lead generation.

By this stage in the planning process, you should know what you’re trying to achieve, the KPIs you’ll use to measure your success, who you’re targeting, and what channels you’ll employ to reach them. What’s next? Bringing it all together with compelling content, creative, and campaigns.

If you’re just dipping your toe into digital, one great way of structuring your approach is to pull out your buyer’s journey map and run through a couple of different scenarios for each of your personas, identifying gaps, and listing out the content and creative that you’ll need to fill those gaps.

With your KPIs and channel mix in place, it’s time to put together a budget for your digital efforts. There are several ways you can approach your budget. Ultimately, your choice will be heavily influenced by management input and the way budget is assigned to the marketing organization.





Get clarity on your goal, then set your objectives.

If you ask most B2B marketers what their goals are, they’ll jump straight into objectives and tell you “increase lead gen by 20%” or something similar, skipping a crucial stage in the planning process. While lead gen is high-priority for every B2B marketer—with 64% calling it their biggest challenge—it's worth taking a look at the bigger picture. 

Perhaps the larger goal is to partner with sales to reach $50M in Annual Recurring Revenue (ARR) by the end of the year. When you look at it through that lens, increasing lead gen could be one way of meeting the goal, but there might also be value in setting other objectives.

A key element of developing the strategies to achieve your objectives is ensuring you understand what constitutes an ideal customer, which people are on the buying committee, and what they care about. 

Ideally, as a digital marketer, you’re partnering closely with your product and content marketing teams. These teams can typically supply you with an ideal customer profile (ICP), buyer personas, and messaging, all of which are essential to the success of your digital strategies.

Complete the form to access the remainder of this 37-page guide full of proven concepts and detailed instructions.

Base strategies on your ICP and buyer personas.

Choose the right mix of channels and content.

Assemble content, creative, and campaigns

Launch, optimize, and report on results

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